
Pine Lodge Logo GIF

Holmbush, St Austell, Cornwall, UK


Pine Lodge Gardens are now open All Year !
Every day, 10.00hrs to 18.00hrs (last entry 17.00hrs). Superb Tearoom for Morning Coffee, Light Lunches, Cream Teas

"the whole place is a wonderland . ." The Times   13th May 2000
Come and look in our website to see some of our garden which so moved Jane Owen to write those words in "The Times".

Just click the picture to enter !Pine Lodge Gardens - Japanese Summer House

Just click the picture to enter !


Recent quotes :
Gardens Monthly September 2005 by Tim Longville; ''Pushing the boundaries'' , ''A dedicated couple who knew no limits when plants became their passion''

September 2005 Cornwall Today by Alison Weeks ; ''Digging Deep, gardening is a way of life for Shirley Clemo, who has transformed Pine Lodge Gardens''

Amateur Gardening 30 July 2005, Jayne Lee -wrote ; '' Ray and Shirley Clemo are passionate plantspeople and avid collectors of rare and unusual specimens - with over 6,000 plants carefully labelled ! The gardens are immaculate. The attention to detail is impressive.''

"Turning Japanese, take inspiration from a wonderful Oriental garden hidden in deepest Cornwall, authentic down to the last pebble" ; Sarah Giles - 'Perfect Homes' , May 2004

"Plantsman's paradise with a woman's touch" ; Simon Parker - 'The Western Morning News' , March 2004

In the Russian 'New House Magazine', Anna Ozerova wrote; "A Garden for Gourmets" (December 2002)

Anne Swithinbank - also in the Western Morning News - described Pine Lodge as being; "A garden paradise for plantaholics" and also noted that; "As we drove back to Fowey, a long line of cars inched in the opposite direction on their way to the Eden Project. Little did they know, that just to their left they were missing a gem"

Cornwall Tourist BoardThe Cornwall Tourism Awards 2002

- Pine Lodge Gardens
- "Highly Commended - Visitor Attraction of the Year"

Holder of the National Collection of grevilleas