Group Booking Form - Organised groups of 20 or more people are welcome to visit Pine Lodge Gardens at any time of year. Please note that advance booking is essential.  Please complete this form as fully as possible -

Required items are shown in red

Your Title and Surname  
House no. & Street  
Date of Visit    Expected Time of Arrival   hrs
Please enter the number of people in your group
Method of Transport - Coach Cars
Will your group require a Conducted Tour of Pine Lodge Gardens Yes No
Our Garden Tearooms provide very good Light Lunches and Afternoon / Cream Teas

Click this box if your group may require Lunch and/or here for Afternoon Teas
If you have any other questions or comments, please enter them in this box

Please double-check that your e-mail address is correct so that we are able to acknowledge receipt.

When you have completed the form, please click on the button to send it to us. A page giving confirmation of the information sent will be seen. We will respond as soon as possible by phone or e-mail to discuss your group booking request.

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