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Cottage Garden


The Cottage Garden around the Lodge was laid out in 1976, mostly as an herbaceous garden with shrubs and trees to give structure to the garden. The garden has a very gentle slope and we were able to make a sunken garden, with a pond and fountain, as a feature of the Cottage Garden

The Terrace has a small water feature and an Olive & Trachycarpus are planted to give some shade to this sunny part of the garden. To the right hand-side of the Lodge, we have a small pond which is kept solely for breeding newts. In front of the Lodge is a large pond, home for many Koi carp and goldfish. This pond is spanned by a bridge entwined with scented Wisteria.




Central Garden


Sunken garden


Sunken Garden


Sunken Garden

Approach from East Approach from West Entrance Lane Car Park and Garden Entrance
Entrance Path Woodland Garden Cottage Garden Arboretum
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