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Wild Flower Meadow

The parkland sweeps down to the wildlife lake, with ducks and black swans. And now, off to the left of your view from the summerhouse, we have created a wildflower meadow - complete with a Bell Tower feature


Rose Arch to Slave Garden

The entrance to the Formal, or Slave, Garden has been enhanced by the addition of a rose covered archway.


Nursery Courtyard

Spice Mill Stone sculpture

Rescued from the wharves of London's dockyards, these magnificent 3 tonne granite spice mill stones have been raised into a sculpture centrepiece in the Nursery / Tearoom courtyard. The courtyard itself was recently paved with hundreds of re-claimed granite setts.

The Spice Mill Stone owners, P&O Shipping, have very kindly donated them to Pine Lodge Gardens.


Japanese Garden

This is definitely a garden style which requires a great deal of extra consideration for the garden's overall structure as well as in the planting.

The placing of the stonework has now been completed. Visitors returning to Pine Lodge will find that the planting scheme is now maturing well.



The Nursery, a fairly new venture, has proved to be so very popular with our many visitors. We raise our own plants from seed, no plants are "bought in". Much of the seed is collected for us by our plant-hunter while on his travels world-wide. Consequently, we are able to offer many plants which are rare or unusual.

Tthe Nursery displays have been re-organised and placed under a large, open-sided canopy with cobbles underfoot. A comprehensive labelling system and helpful, friendly advice will ensure that your purchases are successful in your own garden.

Click here for the full list of plants stocked in our nursery.

Please note that we cannot supply plants by mail-order.  If there are any plants of special interest to you, please contact us before making your journey to visit Pine Lodge to ensure that we have stocks of the plants.



Our Tearooms have been totally re-built so that we now can offer Morning Coffee, Light snack lunches, afternoon teas and - of course - our famous Cornish Clotted Cream teas plus a range of really good home-made cakes.

There is now seating indoors for about 50 people plus an al-fresco area for the promised fine weather this year!

Approach from East Approach from West Entrance Lane Car Park and Garden Entrance
Entrance Path Woodland Garden Cottage Garden Arboretum
Pinetum Parkland Wildlife Lake Japanese Garden
Newt Pond Plant Nursery Formal Garden Water Garden
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© Cornish Riviera Systems, Year 2001